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    Software : Tools : Netzwerk : NetworkActiv PIAFCTM

     » NetworkActiv PIAFCTM 2.2.2


    Easy yet advanced, quad-mode packet analyzer, Mode 1 (Packet Interceptor) While in this mode, PIAFCTM captures and analyzes network data packets. PIAFCTM allows you to view special information encoded in each packet such as the source and destination IP addresses, the source and destination ports, and many other pieces of information. When capturing using the NetworkActiv PIAFCTM Packet Driver, data is captured at the ethernet level allowing you to see the MAC (Media Access Control) addresses of each computer from which you have received packets. Many packets can be captured in a short period of time, and so you may not wish to view them all. With PIAFCTM, you can filter the capturing of packets by IP address, port, packet size, protocol, and/or text-sub-string searching of each packet's content. Also, you can search for a text-sub-string within the current list of packets, save the list of packets to a text file, view the data payload content of each packet (in Hex, Decimal, Text, or standard Hex+Text style), and more. Mode 2 (HTTP File Interceptor) With this mode, you can capture images, web-pages, web-page initiated HTTP downloads, and more. This is done by the automated capturing and analyzing of HTTP (Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol) specific packets. You can filter the saving of files by IP address, port, file extension, and/or file size. Mode 3 (Graphical Packets Mode) Provides a graphical, effects like representation of network traffic. Can be configured in real-time. Mode 4 (Statistical Mode) Statistical Mode monitors and analyzes the network traffic and forms statistical information pertaining to each IP address, each IP address pair, and each local port. Unlike many packet analyzers out there, this software does NOT require (nor does it use) WinPCap, nor any other third party extensions. True Freeware: No ads, banners, spyware, or nags. Screenshot vom Programm: NetworkActiv PIAFCTM
     Free Software Download  1188 Kb  |  38 Download(s)  |  mehrsprachig
    Windows2000/WinXP/Windows2003/Windows Vista Starter/Windows Vista Home Basic/Windows Vista Home Prem

     Details zu NetworkActiv PIAFCTM 2.2.2
     » Uninstallfunktion: Ja
     » Jetzt registrieren: Online registrieren
     » Schauen Sie sich Screenshots an: Screenshot
     » Gehen Sie zur Download Seite: Zum Runterladen
     » Besuchen Sie die Homepage: NetworkActiv PIAFCTM

     Userbewertung für NetworkActiv PIAFCTM 2.2.2
     » Bisher wurde(n) 0 Bewertung(en) abgegeben. NetworkActiv PIAFCTM 2.2.2 hat die Gesamtnote: 0.00
     » Bitte bewerten Sie diese Programm zwischen 1 und 10.
       (1 = miserabel, ... 5 = mittelmässig, ... 10 = ausgezeichnet)


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