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     Shareware Software Download in der Kategorie:
    Software : Tools : Dateimanager : DBF Manager

     » DBF Manager 2.51


    The convenient and feature-rich DBF file structure has survived for decades despite the ever-increasing rate of progress in the world of information processing. There is a need for a compact dbase viewer and editor that will cope with the rich functionality of the well-established dBase and XBase formats by offering rapid and reliable on-the-fly access to the data and its structure. Enter DBF Manager! The advanced data management solution for all DBF database users that is packed with features usually found only in top end software. The built-in dbf editor of DBF Manager offers safe and secure access to the internals of the dbf file format that is generated by a variety of applications including Clipper, dBase and Visual FoxPro. The wealth of sophisticated features includes complete support for data structure modification as well as comprehensive data editing and search-replace features that are carefully tailored to suit the data type of interest. If, for example, the data type is date then a calendar display will offer convenient date editing features. The memo viewer doubles up as a memo editor and the appropriate data types will automatically appear in an edit memo field. Common index searching combined with an ultra fast text search algorithm results in lightning speed data searches in any selection of database fields. DBF Manager also supports filtered searches and searches within scopes. All dbf view search results can, of course, be printed if required. As well as dbf file data manipulation, DBF Manager supports a wide variety of data import and export formats and will also encrypt and decrypt databases. DBF Manager has a comprehensive set of database index related tools. For example, the easy to use index manager will perform on-the-fly re-indexing and index rebuilds from an open dbf file as well as allowing a wide variety of index file types to be opened, modified and viewed. Screenshot vom Programm: DBF Manager
     Free Software Download  7899 Kb  |  130 Download(s)  |  Englisch
    WinXP/Windows2000/Windows2003/Windows Vista Ultimate/Windows Vista Ultimate x64/Win98/WinME/WinNT 4.

     Details zu DBF Manager 2.51
     » Uninstallfunktion: Ja
     » Einschränkung zur registrierten Version: Funktionseinschränkungen
     » Jetzt registrieren: Online registrieren
     » Jetzt die Vollversion bestellen: Online bestellen
     » Schauen Sie sich Screenshots an: Screenshot
     » Gehen Sie zur Download Seite: Zum Runterladen
     » Besuchen Sie die Homepage: DBF Manager

     Userbewertung für DBF Manager 2.51
     » Bisher wurde(n) 0 Bewertung(en) abgegeben. DBF Manager 2.51 hat die Gesamtnote: 0.00
     » Bitte bewerten Sie diese Programm zwischen 1 und 10.
       (1 = miserabel, ... 5 = mittelmässig, ... 10 = ausgezeichnet)


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