» RadioWORKS 2.0 |
Freeware |
RadioWORKS is a tool for calculating various items related to radio waves and radio wave propagation. Get detailed information about a frequency, such as the free-space wavelength, proper antenna lengths for common wavelength ratios, band classification, propagation methods, common transmitter configurations, etc. Calculate path loss using the Free-Space, Flat-Earth, Hata Urban, Hata Suburban, or Hata Open Area mathematical models. Use the Distance and Power change prediction calculator to predict how a proposed transmitter power change, whether an increase or a decrease, will affect your usable range -- OR -- how a proposed range requirement change, whether an increase or a decrease, will affect your transmitter power requirements, while factoring in the signal decay rate observed in your current system. Additionally, all mathematical formulas used by the application are on display, including explanations and usage information.
RadioWORKS is made available as FREEWARE. It contains no virii, adware, spyware, back doors, or trojans.
383 Kb | 69 Download(s) |