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GPS Navigator with using a scanned maps and possibility to open a lot of maps together.
- you can show a current GPS data (Speed, Direction, Longitude, Latitude, Time, Date, Height);
- you can open any of scanned maps (in a "bmp" or "dib" format);
- you can calibrate the scanned maps yourself by two calibration points only (left-top and right-bottom);
- calibrations are stored automatically for every map, you do not need to calibrate a map next time;
- you can see your route line and speed direction at the map;
How to use it:
- connect your GPS device to your computer by the com-port;
- open a Properties Dialog and set you comport's name and a Bits Rate (for example: COM1, 4800);
- you will see your position point at the World Map.
- open any scanned map file in a bmp or dib format;
- point by mouse to the left-top point at the map, where you know the coordinats of that point (where coordinate lines are crossed, or where you have measured a coordinates yourself by your GPS device);
- press a right mouse button and input coordinates for that point;
- make the same for a right-bottom point anywhere at the map;
- now your scanned map is calibrated and you will see your position, speed direction and route line at it;
- menu "View / Clear calibration Points" for new calibration of a current map;
- use a button "Show Route Line" for siwtch on/off of showing a Route Line;
- use a button "Show GPS Data" for open a GPS Data window;
- you can open a lot of scanned maps, GPS Data, World Maps together;
- default settings for comport: COM1, bits per second: 4800, data bits: 8, parity: none, stop bits: 1, flow control: hardware;
- use Property Dialog for setting a comport (Name and Bits per second) and refresh time for active map;
- maximize a GPS Data window to show a speed and direction as a big symbols (when you are sailing); |
4672 Kb | 157 Download(s) |
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