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    Software : Büro & Business : Textverarbeitung : Hermetic Word Frequency Counter

     » Hermetic Word Frequency Counter 10.89


    3.11 PADGen Portable Application Description, or PAD for short, is a data set that is used by shareware authors to disseminate information to anyone interested in their software products. To find out more go to Hermetic Systems c/o Gaia Media Stiftung Postfach 350 Basel BA 4003 Switzerland Peter Meyer Hermetic Systems Hermetic Word Frequency Counter 10.89 07 07 2011 38.75 GBP 23.95 Shareware Minor Update Install and Uninstall Win2000,Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Win98,WinVista,WinVista x64,WinXP English Fixed display bug Business Business::Calculators & Converters A video resolution of 800x600 or preferably better. 1524624 1488 1.45 Y 10 Days word,hermetic,frequency,counter,counting,count,number,text,program,occurrences,file,clipboard,english,german,french,italian,frequencies,xml,html Counts occurrences of words within text. Counts word frequencies in a file or on the clipboard This software scans a file, or text on the clipboard, and counts the occurrences of different words. What is a 'word' is user-definable. The words found and displayed can be ordered alphabetically or by frequency. Supports non-English text as well. This software scans a text file (including HTML and XML files), or text on the clipboard, and counts the frequencies of different words. The text can be in a language other than English. The words which are found and displayed can be ordered alphabetically or by frequency. There is no limit on the size of an input file. What is a 'word' is user-definable. Results can be written to a file and can be read into Excel for further processing. This software scans a text file (in this sense HTML and XML files are 'text' files) and counts the frequencies of different words. The words which are found and displayed can be ordered alphabetically or by frequency. Characters which can appear in words can be specified, so the program can be told to allow or disallow words with numerals, hyphens, apostrophes, underscores or colons, to ignore words which are short or which occur infrequently, to treat upper/lower case as significant or not, and to ignore words (e.g., common words such as 'this') contained in a specified file. This software may be used with text in languages other than English, in particular, with French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese text. Results can be written to an output file and can then be read into Excel for further processing. There is also an Advanced Version which does everything the standard version does, can count words matching certain patterns, and is able to scan not just one file but all files in a folder, and optionally in all subfolders, and to return a single report on the frequencies of words in all files scanned. Screenshot vom Programm: Hermetic Word Frequency Counter
     Free Software Download  1488 Kb  |  111 Download(s)  |  Englisch
    Win2000/Win7 x32/Win7 x64/Win98/WinVista/WinVista x64/WinXP

     Details zu Hermetic Word Frequency Counter 10.89
     » Uninstallfunktion: Ja
     » Einschränkung zur registrierten Version: Laufzeit limitiert auf 20 Programmstarts
     » Jetzt die Vollversion bestellen: Online bestellen
     » Schauen Sie sich Screenshots an: Screenshot
     » Gehen Sie zur Download Seite: Zum Runterladen
     » Besuchen Sie die Homepage: Hermetic Word Frequency Counter

     Userbewertung für Hermetic Word Frequency Counter 10.89
     » Bisher wurde(n) 0 Bewertung(en) abgegeben. Hermetic Word Frequency Counter 10.89 hat die Gesamtnote: 0.00
     » Bitte bewerten Sie diese Programm zwischen 1 und 10.
       (1 = miserabel, ... 5 = mittelmässig, ... 10 = ausgezeichnet)


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